The Ogema Public Library is FINE FREE!

At their last meeting, after research, discussion, and consideration, the library board approved going “fine free” at The Ogema Public Library. Effective immediately, we will no longer charge the 10 cent per day late or overdue fine. Everybody who has an Ogema Public Library card has had all late fines from our library taken off their account.

Why are you getting rid of late fees?

Public libraries believe in giving all people access to information, programs, materials and services. When people have what they need to fulfill their goals and dreams, our whole community is stronger. Late fines create barriers to people being able to access information. Libraries have found that there is no difference in the rate of return with or without fines. People borrow, and people return. That’s how libraries work.

So I never have to return what I check out?

Please return your items! We really do want our things back. The due dates for when to return items have not changed. If you keep items past their due date, you will receive a series of notifications reminding you about your overdue materials. We shortened the amount of time before an unreturned item goes to billing (45 days to 21 days).

Are there any exceptions?

Yes. While there are no longer fees for returning a book late, if you damage an item or don’t return it you will still be charged for the replacement costs. There may also still be charges from other libraries or inter-library loan.

Check out these links for more information about going fine free:

Eau Claire Public Library Book Fines to be Waived

As libraries drop late fees, long-overdue books return — as do former patrons

About Fine Free

We are a fine free library!